Gator nuggets, in this case. I had some for lunch with a mustard-mayo sauce after walking through about a mile and a half of Hardwood Hammocks in considerable heat and sun. I was so thirsty and hungry (It was 3PM) I could have eaten a braised flip-flop.
The nice lady at the Nature Center recommended a marina/fish shack/bar/restaurant and it turned out to be just the thing.
Jim and I had lovely fried stuff at a shady picnic table by the water. We also split a piece of Key Lime Pie and I ate too much of
Incidentally, Key Lime Pie is one of those things that really is the same everywhere.
I mean. I know that some folks try to peddle pie that contains no key lime juice, etc. But when it comes to genuine Key Lime Pie, made with Key Lime juice using the standard egg yolk/condensed milk recipe, it doesn't really matter whether its on a pastry crust, graham cracker crust, has almonds added, is topped with whipped cream or meringue - they all taste pretty much the same and have the same texture; which is excellent.
Now when the KLP you order comes with green-dyed filling, that's insulting, but a drop of blue food color doesn't affect the flavor. So, if a vendor tries to sell KLP thats green inside - go ahead and eat it.. but don't order it there again. Buy a bottle of Key Lime juice, or better yet, a bag of Key Limes (Trader Joe sells them) and make one yourself. It doesn't even need any topping!