Home again, home again, jiggety jig.
Jim and I are home from the
Wool Festival, the 38th Annual, tired and very satisfied.
My volunteer job this year was in the Hospitality Committee. We provided food and drink and a place to relax and eat it to the busy volunteers, committee members and staff of the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival for the last three days. Oh, yes, let's not forget the contest judges, seminar teachers, police, rescue workers, security guards and hangers-on who heard that free good food was available in the Fair Office building.
MK, who chaired the committee, mostly ordered pre-made food and we served it up, in many cases driving around in a golf cart (yee-hah!) and delivering it to workers in other buildings, and occasionally heating stuff up. But we did bake some goodies for dessert. Those who came in to the Fair Office to eat got to enjoy home-baked cookies or brownies, and we got lots of complements.
I made two full batches of my mother's oatmeal cookie recipe, each one for 10 dozen cookies (using a level two tablespoon scoop to measure out the dough) one with chocolate chips and walnuts and the other walnuts, raisins and spice.
Here's the recipe:
Oatmeal Cookies
For a busy Mom – Makes 10 Dozen!
Preheat oven to 350°
1 ½ cup butter or shortening
2 cups brown sugar
1 cup granulated sugar
2 eggs
½ cup water
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 ½ cups sifted flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons salt
6 cups rolled oats
Plus additional ingredients for different flavors – see method.
Place shortening, sugars, eggs, water and vanilla in a large mixing bowl, beat thoroughly Sift together flour, salt and soda; add to shortening mix, blend well. Blend in oats.
Separate cookie dough into three equal portions and add ingredients as below. Drop by 2 level tablespoonfuls onto cookie sheet (I recommend parchment) and bake at 350° for 15 minutes.
These keep well in an airtight container for a few days or freezer for longer periods.
These are satisfying, but not dainty!
For each third, add:
- 1 cup chocolate chips and ½ cup chopped walnuts
- 1 heaping tablespoon peanut butter and 1 cup butterscotch bits
- 1 cup raisins and ¾ cup chopped walnuts - plus,
one teaspoon cinnamon and ¼ teaspoon nutmeg
Besides my baking. I got a lot of compliments on my hacked Committee T-Shirt. Picture to follow.