Saturday, April 10, 2010


I peeked out the kitchen door this morning, into the seasonable but bitingly cold air to hear the cheerup cheerup of the robins staking out their territories and was startled to realize that the leaves on the beech tree were large. They are big enough to cover a hen's egg, drooping down in a limp and shiny spring green shade that can surely only last a few days before the darker color of maturity arrives.
I thought "Spring has gotten away from me" and almost laughed out loud. As if I were in control of the advance of time, season or entropy.
But it is time - time to start the silkworm eggs a-hatching.
I took a good pinch out the fridge, wanting 20 to 25, but O think I have more like 50 incubating now. At any rate, I'll take out a pinch, of the different cross-breeds, every week until I know I'll have some ready to spin on the second Saturday of June. That will take me up to the Mannings' Spinning Seminar, where I will deliver my Queen of Fibers dog-and-pony show once again.

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