Saturday, August 15, 2009

Jim and I had tomato sandwiches for lunch today. Tomato sandwiches are not something I've eaten or served much before, but I am aquainted with them.
Jim and I were cleaning the backyard this morning, when the temps were already in the 80s. John Waters next door offered us the tomatoes from his garden, saying that he can't eat them due to some kind of stomach problem. I brought out a basket and he picked eight tomatoes, two of which were over a pound each.
I still have one heirloom tomato I bought at the Sunday market last week, so I need to find a good use for these ASAP. Thus, tomato sandwiches immediately - using up one. Eight to go.
I had a loaf of bread I had baked in the bread machine on Wednesday - my usual 1/3 WW, 2/3 white bread flour as a French bread, so it's light and crusty.
For Jim's I placed crisp bacon over the herb-sprinkled tomato slices, for me I put Roquefort cheese beneath them. They were fine. Just fine.
Now Jim is adding another shelf to the shed (he's vaccumed the dust out) and then we'll reload the shed.
So, it's my job to look up the recycling rules in Greenbelt and see how to dispose of the florescent lamps, automotive chemicals, fertilizer, etc that are NOT going back.

Tonight I am planning a real Sole Meuniere - just like in Julie/Julia. I've been seeing that Sole in my head ever since watching the movie.

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