Saturday, October 17, 2009

Before the fire ( In front of, not prior to...)

Enjoying the fire at Shrine Mont, in the meeting hall where the wireless network is available, reminds me of how much I want a fireplace of my own.
Last Sunday I did indeed buy Roma tomatoes and a giant red bell pepper and made the Sunny Anderson Roasted Tomato Soup from the Food Network. (recipe
It was delicious and enough for Sunday, Monday snack and a frozen 'nother meal.
I added a pasillo pepper (I think - fruity and not hot) but otherwise made it as called for.
I have also been making lots of Zucchini & Tomatoes from scratch. I add lots of onions and garlic to mine, and frequently fresh basil.
This differs from the Zucchini & Tomatoes that Shrine Mont serves for Saturday lunch (along with meatloaf and Mac'n'Cheese) which is quite basic. But the Sat lunch is my fave meal. Bless Shrine Mont.
I walked up the mountain yesterday after lunch and today after breakfast, taking an unfamiliar but ultimately less steep path today. This is a bit more challenging than previous years, as I now have arthritis in my knees, but allows me to feel daring and just a bit proud for having taken myself hence and back alone.
And it is alone, as there is no reception for my cell service here. If I get into trouble I can't call for help, and my absence probably would not be noticed until supper. Wow!

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